Best city? What is the best city in your country? (Арнайы тапсырма)

Best city? What is the best city in your country? (Арнайы тапсырма)

  Best city? The best city for me is Kyzylorda. I was born and live here. Kyzylorda was the capital ofKazakhstan from  1925 to 1929.  And the first theatre opened in Kyzylorda.  There is the mauseloum of «Korkyt ata» and near Syr coast.

There are lots of different supermarkets in Kyzylorda. There are museum and sport stadiums, shops and restaurants. You can spend hours and hours walking around the bazaar. In here  you can find a lot of things.

Do you like walking? Then you can explore the beautiful garden around the President’s Park. I think there is a good place to relax.

In adolition, Kyzylorda is spiritually rich town. Not in vain do they say that «Syr eli – Zhyr eli». Because, in Kyzylorda art of poetry is developed.

On of two person can play  the dombyra and sings «terme».  Lots of people people like people who sings «terme» and respect them. That’s why I love Kyzylorda  and it is my best city.