Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Оқылым #6

Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Оқылым #6
Фото: google.com

Магистратураға түсу үшін ағылшын тілінен тест тапсырғанда, үшінші бөлімі оқылымға арналады. Мәтінді оқу арқылы қалай түсінгеніңізді тест арқылы анықтайды. Үш мәтін және әр мәтінге қатысты 12 тест сұрағы қойылады. Біз ұсынған мәтін үлгісі 2008 жылы өткен тестте келген. Екі-үш рет оқып, мәтінге байланысты тест сұрақтарына жауап беріңіз.

Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Оқылым #1
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Оқылым #2
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Оқылым #3
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Оқылым #4
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Оқылым #5


In most parts of the world, people need money in order to live. They use money to pay for food, clothes, housing, transportationeverything they need for survival. Although money is important to everyone, different people have different attitudes toward money. How they get it and what they do with it say a lot about what kind of people they are.

History tells us there have always been honest people and dishonest people in the world. Surely, most people arc honest and work hard for their money. But there are others, the dishonest ones, who have enriched themselves by breaking the law. In the news we often hear about the criminal activities of hold-up men, drug dealers, and corrupt officials. And we hear about con men who make large sums of money selling worthless goods, such as fake jewelry and miracle cures that don't work. Con men know from experience that it’s easy to separate a fool from his money, and they are always finding new ways to do it. Since most crimes involve money, we can understand why people say "money is the root of all evil". We also hear that "crime doesn’t pay" since most criminals eventually end up in prison. Listening to the news, it’s easy to get the impression that the world is overrun with dishonest people. But for every dishonest person, there are many more who are honest. They know that "money isn't everything" and that honesty has its own rewards. A good example is Abraham Lincoln. When he was a young man, Lincoln had a job working in a general store. One day he mistakenly overcharged one of his customers. When he realized his mistake, Lincoln walked several miles to the man's house to give him the correct change. The man was surprised and delighted, and he told everyone about Lincoln's honesty. It was because of deeds like this that Lincoln became known as "Honest Abe." Lincoln came from a poor family, but his parents taught him the importance of being honest, and the lesson served him well. Years later, Lincoln's reputation for honesty helped him in his political career, and it was one of the reasons he got elected president of the United States. People who will do anything to get money forget that their reputations arc worth more than money.

How people get their money is one thing; what they do with it is something else. Some people love to spend money and "live it up." They want to enjoy themselves today and not worry about tomorrow. They are often very generous and like to buy expensive presents for their friends. These people are known as big spenders. At the opposite extreme arc the penny pinchers, people who try to save as much as they can for "a rainy day." They often say things like "money doesn't grow on trees" and "a penny saved is a penny earned." They have a reputation for being "cheap" because they are always looking for bargains and hardly ever spend money on other people. When they go to a restaurant, for example, they often let someone else pay the bill.

Cheapskates aren’t very popular because they put money before friendship. Big spenders and cheapskates both make mistakes when it comes to money and friendship. Big spenders often make the mistake of trying to buy friendship with money. They forget that true friends like you for who you are and not for your money. On the other hand, cheapskates are wrong in thinking that only money can save them in an emergency, that "nobody knows you when you're down and out". They forget that true friends will stand by you even when you are broke. True friendship doesn't depend on money, and, like an honest reputation, it has its own rewards. People may need money in order to survive, but they need friends in order to be happy.

1. According to the text why is money important?
A) In order to be rich.
B) In order to live.
C) To change world.
D) Time is money.
E) In order to have friends.

2. Who was Abraham Lincoln?
A) The president of the USA.
B) Big businessman.
C) Dishonest man. 
D) Con man.
E) Millionaire.

3. To get money is necessary to ...
A) To print them.
B) To draw them.
C) To steal them.
D) To ask from somebody.
E) To cam them.

4. A big sender is ...
A) Who spends little money.
B) Who spends much money.
C) Who spends little by little.
D) Who spends nothing.
E) A greedy man.

5. A cheapskate is ...
A) A man who spends little money.
B) Big spender.
C) Likes everything expensive.
D) A man who likes to spend money.
E) A very generous man.

6. How do honest people get their money?
A) Work hard for their money.
B) Steal money from bank.
C) Print them.
D) Deceive people.
E) Sell fake jewelry.

7. How do we call money of another country?
A) Current.
B) Dollars.
C) Cure.
D) Currency.
E) Cash.

Дұрыс жауабы: 

1 – B
2 – A
3 – E
4 – B
5 – A
6 – A
7 – D


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Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Тыңдалым #1
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Тыңдалым #2
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Тыңдалым #3
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Тыңдалым #4
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Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Тыңдалым #6
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Тыңдалым #7
Магистратура: ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары. Тыңдалым #8

@. @assel_assanova