Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the choice number one

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University annually brings together thousands of students from all Kazakhstan. Education and training at the National University is a dream of many generations.

There are several reasons for choosing Kazakh National University. They are primarily the quality of knowledge, the image of the university, student life and campus.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has not only entered to the list of the best universities in Kazakhstan in terms of quality of education, but also has entered the list of the best universities in the world. This focus of science is known for its scientific achievements and the best professors’ stuff. Every student of KazNU has the opportunity not only to get an education in their specialty, but also to develop new facets, improve their knowledge through various creative works and additional centers.

Speaking about the image of the university, the word "national" is an indicator of the quality and image of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The name of the national University is familiar to every student, and it is the dream of many graduates to become a student of KazNU. This is a clear evidence of trust in the quality of the university and the prestigious image of the university among the population.

Student life is a precious and memorable period, which will forever remain in the memory of a person. The student life of KazNU is interesting, as conditions for students to participate in various clubs, centers and groups are created. Students have the opportunity not only to be members of any group at their own discretion, but also to represent and implement their initiatives.

One of the elements of achieving good results is ensuring good conditions. What can a student need besides a fully equipped library and computer equipment? In this regard, KazNU does not allow competition with its campus, as KazNU has the largest and most equipped campus in Kazakhstan. This town is not only a library and computer building, but also the owner of the complex "Keremet" for students. This complex has everything from a small market for students to student management center.

In conclusion, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is one of the first choices of thousands of graduates annually. Over the years, KazNU not only confirms the quality and degree of compliance, but also shows that every year it is on the way to innovation and continuous development.

Konysbek. A. B. - master student at the Department of Philology and Foreign Languages.

Ibraeva Zh.K.- Scientific Adviser
