"High School",What do you think about high school? Is there any opportunities to make a good friends for whole life? (Арнайы тапсырма)


     School? You studied? Here's a question does not happen. When a person appears, he wants to know the world better. So he seeks knowledge. Wants to be the best. And for that you will have to go to school. The happiest moments of your life - it happens in school. We all learned and were happy moments. Moments will remain forever. If you have already graduated from high school then you know that feeling when you hear about school. If you are a student then you should appreciate all . It happens in life once more and you're not going back. Therefore, the value of friends, the teacher, and knowledge.

     I want to show you my school life. I studied №266 school-Lyceum. I was the best student. The teacher always praised me. And friends I had a lot. But I had 4 of the most loyal friends. I love them very much. We were very understanding. When arguing, one of us will quickly forget and will live peacefully. I appreciate them so. They are my best friends. We had good times. I will never forget. We even had a name – G4. This name came up with together. G4 denotes Glass4. If we`re fighting then this glass will be dissolved. Аnd now More will not recover. Therefore, we try to understand each other. They will remain my best friends for life.


     I want to tell you: Always keep the friendship. Never leave a friend in trouble. Help him in his troubles. The most need to appreciate friendship. That's when the friendship becomes stronger and better.
