The town of Knowledge

Almaty is considered to be the center of students. No other city in Kazakhstan boasts as many educational institutions as the southern capital. Of the large number of universities, one that stands in the center of the city is KAZNU, which is distinguished by its high rating and exceptional relationship between students and teachers .

KazNU is the oldest classical University of the Republic, organized by the Resolution of the Bureau of the Kazakh Regional Committee of the VKB (b) on November 13, 1933. For 76 years of its activity, the University has made a great contribution to the formation and development of the economy, political and legal life, culture, science and education of multinational Kazakhstan and has become the mainstay of the entire system of higher education in the country. It was formed and still remains the largest forge of highly qualified personnel, one of the main centers of research work in the Republic.

Today, al-Farabi Kazakh national University is the first classical University of our country and the first winner of The President's Award "for achievements in the field of quality" among all Kazakh higher education institutions. Al-Farabi KazNU is the permanent leader in the General rating of Kazakhstan universities. According to the results of 2009, al-Farabi KazNU was included in the list of the 600 best out of 16,000 universities in the world according to the prestigious rating of universities "times". More than 20 thousand students from all regions of our country, as well as from near and far abroad study at the University.

KazNU is not for nothing called "The town of knowledge": it provides a wide range of professions from more than 180 Humanities, natural Sciences, technical specialties of bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies. The teaching staff of KazNU has more than 2500 people, including 400 doctors of science, professors and more than 800 candidates of science, associate professors, 200 domestic and foreign doctors of philosophy (Ph.D.). In their classes, they not only give theory, but also share their practical experiences and use different kind of technologies and methods.

The main mission of the University is to train competitive specialists with modern elite higher education, focused on solving the problems of intensive development of the most important areas of the economy, science and social life of the country. Today, KazNU is developing not only as a Republican, but also as an international center of education in the Central Asian region with a worthy positioning in the world educational space.

Master degree student: Tolybayeva G.R

Scientific advisor: Tausogarova A.K

