The "Chinese New Year"
![The "Chinese New Year"](/userdata/blogs/blogs_27214/image_l.jpeg)
On the February 17th , the Department of Chinese Studies held a conference in the topic "Spring Festival 春节" among 3rd-year students in a major foreign philology, in order to introduce the holiday of Chinese people and note their traditions and customs.
In fact, the "Chinese New Year" is celebrated not only in China, but also in other countries. This memorable holiday increases students ' interest in learning interesting facts about the country's culture. In addition, we can dive in the atmosphere of the world of the spring festival.
Overall the conference consists of several parts:
• The I part. Introduction. The conference began with the participation of students who visited China via the academic mobile program. The students shared their impressions of the country and its culture. The evening continued with a presentation on the theme "Chinese New Year". The presentation describes the customs of the holiday and gives the information about countries where celebrations are held.
· The II part. Providing additional information about the Chinese New Year in the PPT.
• The ІІІ part. A short lecture by a professor Bulbul Matai about the traditions and interesting facts about Chinese New Year.
· The IV part. Showing the video "Chinese New Year" and summarizing the results with the program Kahoot.