Technologies of teaching English

Supervisor: Honored Worker of Kazakhstan; Associate Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Zhanatayev Danat Zhanatayevich

Authors: Sandibek Zhaudir, Oralbayeva Aruzhan, Shaimardankyzy Nursaule

Technologies of teaching English

The economic power of any country, the high standard of living of its population, its place and weight in the world community are determined by the level of technological development of that country. The quality of the development of society as a whole and the introduction of new technologies depend on the established level of education in this country and the level of informatization of this area. Radical changes in the modern Kazakh educational space are a historically objective process. The goal of reforming the education system is to review the education system and create conditions for students to receive targeted, gradual education for creative adaptation. Today, it is not enough to measure the quality of a student's education by their knowledge, skills and abilities, as before. The modern requirement is that the quality of education is measured by the student's ability to use the acquired knowledge for further personal development, for the prosperity of society as a person. “The concept of the state program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010” states that “priority is not the mechanical transfer of knowledge, skills, but the formation of a person who is able to independently find, analyze and use information and intellectual resources, be a source of energy of ideas, develop and reveal himself in a rapidly changing world”.

Mastering advanced learning technologies in the field of modern education has a beneficial effect on the formation of an intellectual, professional, moral, spiritual, civic and many other human qualities of a teacher, contributes to self - development and effective organization of the educational process. The concept of “innovation” first arose in the XIX century from the research of cultural connoisseurs, that is, one means “introduction to the culture of the country”, and this concept is still preserved in ethnography. Innovation (Latin word іn, no-vis – new) means new, novelty, update. According to the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov: “innovation is a novelty that first appeared, and created, appeared in the near future, replaced by the previous one, was first discovered, introduced into the unknown” [2]. The concept of “innovation” is understood differently in each country, in some states (USA, Netherlands) this term is common, and in Arab countries, in Japan “Innovation” can not be found in 95 thousand dictionaries.

French scientist E. Brunswick identifies 3 possible types of pedagogical discoveries:

1. Educational ideas and actions that have never been used anywhere before are taken as innovations. Something completely new. In practice, such a discovery is very rare.

2. Ideas that are relevant at a certain time, in a certain environment, are re-occurring, adapted to a new situation. This makes up a large part of modern pedagogical innovations.

3. Innovations that have already existed in practice, the use of which only with a change of purpose gives new results.

In today's training system, the use of various new technologies is becoming more practical and gives results.

Now let's reveal the essence of the term “pedagogical technology”. I give the opinion of scientists in the form of a table:

V. L. Bespalko
A specific pedagogical system, a project implemented in practice
Specially organized, purposeful, interrelated methods and techniques that contribute to the formation of personality
M. Choshanov
Component, procedural part of the didactic system.
Methods and techniques used in didactics
V. M. Monakhov
A well-thought-out scheme for designing, organizing and conducting the learning process
Specially designed scheme
B. T. Likhachev
Psychological and pedagogical installation in the form of specially adapted methods, techniques, and educational tools
Specially adapted methods and techniques

P. K. Selevko
1) Depending on the application level;

2) Based on the philosophical basis;

3) Depending on the leading factor of mental development;

4) Depending on the scientific concept;

5) Dedication to personal structures;

6) Depending on the structural and content nature.
1) general pedagogical,

subject, individual method, modular;

2) materialistic, idealistic vertical, dialectical, metaphysical, humane,

scientific, pragmatic;

3) biogenic, sociogenic, psychogenic;

4) associative-reflex, behavioral, gestalt technology, developmental;

5) informational, operational, sensory, heuristic, applied, self-developing;

Conscious mastery of the English language, turning it into a necessity at its own level, is not a one-year problem, so one of the legitimate questions that arises among specialists engaged in teaching English is how to teach them to express their thoughts freely in English, both verbally and in writing. What methods and technologies should be used to motivate students? Having studied the methodological and scientific materials on language teaching in schools with a different language of instruction, I consider it appropriate to use information technologies. In the field of education, various technologies are being introduced, but the main requirement is to choose the right ones and apply them effectively at each stage of the lesson. The problem is not the widespread use of technology, the problem is the education of the individual in the direction of results. At the moment, information and communication technologies can perform both the visual method and the method of using technical means. Information technology  is a set of methods and production and software-technological tools combined in one technological chain for collecting, storing and processing information. A classic of Kazakh literature, our great grandfather Abay Kunanbayuly said: “in order to make students learn well, they must have a great desire and interest in learning”.

The prerequisites for the widespread use of the computer as an educational tool are differentiated by scientists as follows [13; 14; 15]:

1. The computer allows you to immerse yourself in the endless world of information and systematically analyze information. The high speed of obtaining information creates conditions for the constant growth of a person's information culture.

2. The computer is distinguished as a universal tool of human research and cognitive activity.

3. A distinctive feature of a computer from other tools is its ability to be a communicative tool. That is, the student, through which he can realize all kinds of activities. These are attempts to read texts, conduct interviews, write, and listen. These opportunities are the most important in language learning.

4. The tool can clearly show students the results of their actions. Forms students’ own approach and strategy to make the right decisions in learning.

5. With the help of a computer, it is possible to perform complex types of exercises in a short time.

Today, multimedia technologies are considered as the directions of development of informatization in the educational process. The successful use of modern information technologies in education is noted in the improvement of software and methodological support, the material base, as well as mandatory professional development of the teaching staff.

Multimedia programs create an interactive environment similar to a real communication environment.

It allows you to master and understand phonetic, lexical, and grammatical data of the language you are learning, modern multimedia programs offer the learner the following opportunities: interactive exercises, repetition lessons, dictionaries of each lesson, grammatical definitions, re-wise system for learning words, microphone training of pronunciation, etc. These features are found in various multimedia courses.

Educational multimedia programs are distinguished by their purposefulness. There are programs from the initial stage of the language (Beginner level), for those who have forgotten (False Beginner, Pre-Intermediate), for those who have a sufficient initial level and for those who continue the language (Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate), as well as for those who are fluent in the language (Advanced).

Advantages of multimedia programs in learning a foreign language:

1.    Visual representation of information (use of color, design, video, sound, etc).

2.    Rapid feedback – monitoring of progress (compatible test systems provide instant observations of data acquisition; interactive discipline the student has the opportunity to independently choose the speed of learning data);

3.    Universality (learning to use the language in all aspects and types of speech activities);

4.    Information balance (the most effective correspondence of exercises, consolidation and acquisition of all or each communicative qualification; smooth transition from sound to reading, further to grammatical exercises, etc.)

5.    Personal influence (voluntary choice of complexity of information, regularity of exercise, ability to choose lexical information);

6.    Writing information in the same language;

7.    Various forms and content of information transfer;

8.    Ability to supplement the main section of the program.

Some disadvantages of multimedia programs:

1.    Lack of genuine communication (even in an interactive mode; lack of independent communication, dialogue, and the ability to say unplanned words);

2.    Weak evaluation of the result (the program is written in a specific algorithm and does not have several variants of the answer, for example, a verbal version, minor errors or different variants of spelling words, etc. The answer is automatically considered incorrect);

3.    Limited time to complete the task (many multimedia programs will have these functions, which will become an obstacle for individual foreign language learners);

4.    The interface of many programs is inconvenient and carelessly designed for work (very small font; difficulty in self-monitoring progress due to the lack of Automatic Control function; lack of the function of repeating individual words and phrases in sound exercises).


6) educational and educational, general and professional orientation, technocratic and humanistic.
