One Asia - One World

As you know, today one of the most acute problems in the world concerns the countries of Asia. Every process, from the history, culture, society and economy of Asian countries to their future, has a special place in the world. Therefore, a lot of work is being done in the minds of young people to show that a united Asia is a symbol of a united world. One of them is the most effective elective course "One Asia - One World" - a large-scale project that lasted 15 weeks from February 1, 2021 with the support of the Eurasia Foundation.

The course was conducted with the direct support of the Eurasia Foundation, founded by the famous Japanese businessman Yoji Sato. Today, as a result of the systematic work of this fund, 515 universities of the world and more than 40 countries of Eurasia have established partnerships and active activities. This year, our Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages ​​got access to such a partnership.

This course, specially timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of our university and the 30th anniversary of our independence, has become an invaluable source of knowledge and spiritual development for students. The course listeners listened to lectures by the most famous and experienced teachers of the country and qualified and educated speakers from around the world, received answers to their questions, broadened their horizons of knowledge and got new motivation. In addition, each participant was awarded special certificates and scholarships for active students. Therefore, we believe that organizing such an instructive and useful course for the future is the best opportunity for future youth.

Therefore, we are grateful to the rector of our university Salima Sagikyzy, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Modern History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences Zeinabil Smailhanuly for organizing such a project. We would also like to thank the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Professor Venera Hibadullaevna, and the Head of the Eurasia Foundation, Mr. Yoji Sato, on behalf of all students who are thirsty for knowledge. We wish you further success and creative inspiration! May the number of large-scale projects beneficial to society increase!

Ulzhan Bolatova
