“The whole country’s choice is KazNu Al-Farabi”

After graduating high school choosing an appropriate university is the problem that every student face. And alumni’s aim is to outgrow to an outstanding specialist in his field.

   Up to today Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was a helping hand in a process of turning a student into a professional specialist for thousands of students not only in Kazakhstan but all over the world and it continues to be. KazNU believes that university shouldn’t be perceived as a temporary educational center for just couple of years. It is the place that turns a student's life upside down. It serves as a gate that students go through to the adult life. Walking out from university student will be able to stand and deal with all troubles he will face in his following lifespan.

   KazNu is the leading institution of the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and it was the first to pass state certification and confirm the right to carry out educational activities in all specialties and levels.  Its widely known that Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is seen on the top of best multidisciplinary universities among Kazakhstan and it stays to be so. Moreover university is in that 5% of the best universities all over the world. The university is acknowledged as one of the best universities by the quality of education and is ranked the 207th place. Recent news about opened branch office of the university in Japan and a seminar conducted in Thailand are the indisputable prooves to that.

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has a whole educational and scientific complex which offers to its incoming students a wide selection of specialties. The university has 16 faculties, 67 departments, 32 research institutes and centers. More than 2 thousand professors, doctors, candidates of sciences and doctors of philosophy educates students. The university cooperate with 418 major international universities in the world to implement joint international training programs, exchange students and conduct internships. It means that students will not limit obtaining education only in Kazakhstan, they will be able to get into other countries culture and universities educational system.

     “It is an obligation of every citizen of out country to know their mother-tongue” was said by the president of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in his new announcement. In spite of the today’s influence and students’ interests to foreign languages, university does not neglect our mother tongue – Kazakh language. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has been using the trilingualism system for a long time. Lessons are held in three different languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

     KazNu will not let its student to live a boring student life. Every student in here is involved to social, scientific projects, volunteer works and every second student come back with a prize after each competition. Each lesson provides to be an astonishing discussion and debate class. Recent  debate was to the topic of learning a language by translating method or natural method was conducted by first year master students and various guests were invited there from high schools, colleges and other universities in Almaty.

   As I mentioned above KazNu takes a responsibility not only about educational life of student but also about social life, so holding conferences, organizing concerts and events of cultural and other topics are appropriate in here.

  Day by day KazNu evolves in every field and once again proves that it deserves to be the first, justifying its rating.

