My admission and first impression of the university.

                  Isturina Amina - student    of the Faculty        
        In of Philology and

World Languages ,
     Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



My admission and first impression of the university.
My first impression at the Kazakh National University .
Since my senior year, I have dreamed of going to this university . I studied it for a long time . I talked to students of this university . In Kazakhstan, the Kazakh National University was the first in the ranking of universities .
I was sure that I would go to this university on a grant . But after the exams and passing the documents, I was very much waiting for a response from the university . Unfortunately, at this point I did not win the grant, but my parents, knowing my dream, sent me there to study .
I still remember the very first feeling . I had great ambitions . The fire in my eyes and I saw my university. It was huge and very beautiful . Not knowing anything about this place, I walked for a very long time . I looked around and couldn't believe my eyes . I could . I realized my dream . I'm good.
I was very happy and thanked my parents for the opportunity to study here .
A week has passed and I have already moved to the hostel , met the students and spent a lot of time with them . There were senior students who explained everything in their studies .
The study began and everything was fine .
I liked everything very much there was a fair of the organization. As a first-year student, I wanted to try everything.
I slept for three hours a day . I was an activist, and second-year students helped me with my lessons. I thanked my parents every day for this opportunity . Day x . At night, while studying the lessons, I saw my friend win a grant after 2 months. I was happy for her, and I dreamed about it from the inside out . I wanted to make it easier for my parents to pay . And what do you think ? Yes, I won a grant too !
And yes, it is at this university !
I won the grant in two months !!!!
I was very happy . I believed it with all my heart . But I had to change the faculty . But I still talk to my old classmates . After all, they helped me get used to it .
Now I already know everything about my university . And I am still glad that I chose the Kazakh National University!
He gave me the opportunity to find myself .
Find friends . Expand your social circle . There was a lot of experience .
Even now, when we study online, the organizations of our university organize various events and competitions . To raise the spirit of the first year . Enjoy and never forget those " student years».I will write one more important thing. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Only with your faith can all your dreams be achieved.

                                                                          Kontek.A.M- teacher  
