A place of talented students


Al Farabi Kazakh National University is Kazakh Shanyrak, which is the Horde of knowledge and happiness, unity and friendship. If you look at the higher educational institutions of the planet, Harvard in USA, Cambridge, one of the most prestigious universities in Europe, Bristol in England, Sarbon in France, then we are proud of the Kazakh National University as a higher education institution in Kazakhstan. Expanding its borders from year to year, this educational institution turns 86 this year.

For the first time, Al Farabi Kazakh University was ranked 165th among the best universities in the world and another 16th in the QS World University Rankings. It should be noted that the group included only two universities from the CIS countries – Lomonosov Moscow State University and Al Farabi KazNU. Thus, the leading Kazakhstani University has once again proved its unprecedented leadership in Central Asia and the CIS.

And how not to choose this university if we see such achievements? We are proud of the Department of General Linguistics and European Languages, the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​of the Kazakh National University. The life of our students is also exciting and diverse. What is more, there operates a committee of youth in order to develop leadership qualities, organizational qualities of students. Currently, all festive events at the university and faculty are held with the participation of students there. For those students who wish to do science, there are conferences, forums, such as the "world of science" which are traditionally organized. This means that the student life of our faculty is really exciting.

Summing up, we are glad and proud that one of us is a graduate of this university, and the other is an authoritative teacher of this university! It is a great honor to be a doctoral student and work together with specialists in their field, such as the head of the Department of General Linguistics and European Languages Gulmira Bayanzhanovna and other brilliant teachers of our department.

                                                               Ibrayeva Zhanar Kulmatovna, Doctor of philology, associate                                                                               Professor of Al Farabi Kazakh National University

                                                               Kurmanbek Yerkezhan, 1st year PhD student of Al Farabi                                                                                   Kazakh National University

