A university is a place of light, liberty and learning

     After graduating from baccalaureate, I was determined to continue my education career, and then by chance I was lucky to enroll Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. My dream came true, because KazNU is well known university which gives second to none scientific education and possibilities to its students.


       The first thing to highlight is that the University has 16 faculties, more than 98 departments, 20 scientific research institutes and centers, 1 technology park, more than 2,000 professors, Doctors(PhD), research candidates, more than 100 academicians, and about 30 Kazakhstan honor awards Winners, more than 30 national heads of state award winners and 40 young scientist award winners, 45 national science prize winners.


       This university was chosen because there are many sport competitions, literature events, concerts every term at university. Recently, we organized a poetry reading lesson in memory of the poet Abay it was on the 26th  of November, named “The poems of Abay in the world of literature”. An open lesson was held by the 1st year Master`s students of the specialty 7М01704 “Two Foreign Languages” and “British Center”. The poetry reading was dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. The lesson focused on Reading and Speaking as well as Listening. The biography of Abay was introduced to the audience and it was followed by the game “Kahoot”. There was Reading task where students were asked to use the Skimming and Scanning techniques by reading the text. The Listening skill was also covered by watching the video-poems narrated by world-renowned people called “World Challenge”. The challenge was continued by the guests of event.Further on, well-known poems of Abay were represented in various languages such as Turkish, Chinese, Japan, English and French. The lesson was in English and was performed in high quality. All the Master`s students were involved in the   cognitive process. Each student had their own responsibility and showed solidarity.


       As conclusion, the guests commented opinions regarding to the open lesson. These methods and approaches used in open lesson are beneficial for teaching a foreign language as second in schools as well as universities. In a series of activities organized by the university, I think we can effectively improve ourselves from all aspects and sparkle Master`s students' interests in learning. This university both learning-oriented, and educates students from all aspects, enables students to show their creativity and make students feel confident in themselves. As a result, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University makes a great contribution in developing domestic science.


Master`s student of the Department of General linguistics and European languages  Aruzhan Myrzayanova

PhD Taubayev Zh.T. 

