Al-Farabi Kazakh national University is among of the best univers

Al-Farabi Kazakh national University is among of the best universities in the Kazakhstan.

Al-Farabi Kazakh national University

Associate Professor of the Department
General linguistics and European languages
1st year master's student of the specialty
«Foreign language: two foreign languages»
Al-Farabi Kazakh national University is among of the best universities in the Kazakhstan. Kazakh national University is the only University in Central Asia in the international QS" World University Rankings", which is included in 210 of the best universities in the world. Among the universities of the CIS countries in the subject rating "QS WUR by Subject" entered the 51-100 group of the best universities in the world. A successful, important factor in the ratings of KazNU-large-scale Structural is modernization, high efficiency of result-oriented management, and dynamic development of unique infrastructure, has increased by 50% over the past five years. Our University was awarded the "Altyn Sapa" badge.
The great thinker al-Farabi trains specialists in the branches of knowledge acquired by the fundamental knowledge of the name. The University has several highly qualified teachers, doctors of science, doctors of philosophy, candidates, academicians, senior teachers. Education is conducted in accordance with the Bologna reform, training is carried out on the credit system. A corporate intranet system has been established. Qualified, comprehensive specialists are trained at the Bachelor-Master-PhD levels. Kazakh national University. Al-Farabi
We remind that myrzatay Zholdasbekov, Bakytzhan Tursynovich Zhumagulov, Nurlan Orazalin, zeynolla Kabdolov, Kadyr Myrza Ali, Azilkhan Nurshaikhov, Kairat Mami, Umirzak aitbayevich Aitbayev received education in large Orda and many others.
Within the framework of international cooperation, the University annually hosts various events, meetings, innovative projects, scientific and practical conferences, forums, festivals, Olympiads, symposiums. This is a great achievement!
Another form of increasing international cooperation is the training of University staff and students, undergraduates and PhD doctors in the program of academic mobility abroad, professional development, skills development, acquisition of scientific practice. In the course of scientific practice, it can collect information related to training, receive advanced education trends, compare foreign education and domestic education, prepare for research and scientific work.
Kazakh national University has a great potential to exchange experience with ERASMUS and Bolashak programs.
As for the town of KazNU, favorable conditions have been created for students ' education. In the CIS countries there is the only major library "al-Farabi", the Palace of students named by U. Dzholdasbekova, classrooms and laboratories, language laboratories, student service center, students ' House, sports complexes.
Kazakh national University.Al-Farabi is a place and center of qualified, sought-after, purposeful, creative, versatile, talented students. We are confident that our University will achieve success and achievements more than once, as well as prepare qualified specialists for the prosperity of Kazakhstan.
