Article on the topic-“Using multimedia in the process of foreign language teaching”

University “Turan”

Article on the topic-“Using multimedia in the process of foreign language teaching”

Students: Dauletkul Zhanerke, Makhulber Aruzhan, Astaeva Ayzhan, Dosahmed Almat

Almaty 2017

Using multimedia in the process of foreign language teaching


In this article were considered out the positive and negative effects of multimedia and its implementation in foreign language teaching. Were reviewed and analyzed many proceedings of researchers from different recourses on this theme and were made conclusions how to use them effectively in teaching foreign language. The importance of using multimedia in teaching foreign language and its main aim was proved. Were analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia. Analysis on problems arising from application for multimedia technology in foreign language teaching was discussed. Was researched the role of a foreign language teacher in the multimedia environment.

Keywords: multimedia, teaching foreign language, advantages, disadvantages, teacher’s role Nowadays, the stereotyped traditional teaching methods and environment are unpopular while multimedia technology featuring audio, visual animation effects naturally and humanely makes us more access to information.The multimedia courseware can offer the students abundant information; more plentiful than textbooks, and help them to get of displays vivid cultural background, rich content and true-to-life language materials, which are more natural and closer to life. The new era assigns new challenges and duties of the modern teacher. The tradition of English teaching has been drastically changed with the remarkable entry of technology. Multimedia as teaching material presents a new method in educational process in schools. Technology as multimedia provides so many options making teaching interesting and more productive in terms of improvements. In the recent years the issue of application of the new technologies are more often brought up in secondary schools. It is not only applying new technical means but also new forms and new teaching methods, it is a new approach to teaching process. Those who use multimedia as a teaching tool find that it adds more interest to the class, because students become interested in multimedia and computers, they learn more language skills. The integration of multimedia is more effective than using the teacher center model solely. Multimedia effectiveness lies in the ability to expose students to real situations, language use and pronunciation through video, sound, graphics and computer interaction.

In a last decade we saw numerous research studies suggesting that various forms of computerized media or multimedia may provide an environment that fosters the learning of foreign language vocabulary suggests that when pictures are added to the meaning, the number of signals connected with the message increases. Viewers then will be more probable to keep the message in mind. Therefore, the results of the past research appear to sustain the aspect that the use of subtitles causes multi-sensory processing, interacting with audio, video and print mechanisms. Growth will happen naturally as students watch videos, listen to music, watch television shows, listen to stories and talk to each other. This is one of the keys to indirectly using activities for teaching vocabulary. Multimedia is an effective and engaging tool that can be used to improve vocabulary acquisition for all learners and engage them in the learning process. Today many schools in Kazakhstan have Internet access. In 2020, It can be assumed that access to information and communication technologies will continue to improve with the increased availability of IT services and certainly all schools will use this technology in their classes in teaching different courses and of course in teaching English as a foreign language. There are various choices of multimedia programs to be used in language learning. Some are interactive (in which the computer and the users can interact to each other's stimulus), some others are not (the users just use the computer without being given any feedback by it). The use of modern didactic means and multimedia helps to increase students´ motivation and it enlivens the whole teaching process as well. The use of multimedia for teaching vocabulary is effective in some studies. It is known from SLA research that words associated with actual objects or imagery techniques are learned more easily than those without it. These features are relatively easy to present in multimedia programs, i.e., pictures, videos, which can bring different types of information in addition to traditional definitions of words.

Function and history of Multimedia

Multimedia geared toward language learning combines English sounds, usage, video, pictures, animation and interactive games that help students practice certain grammar structures, concepts and ideas. Most multimedia language programs come on CDs or DVDs, or are offered over the Internet. Although multimedia is possible because of computer technology, its development has been a long time in the making. The idea of integrating multimedia in foreign language studies began in the 1950s when small language schools began to use the phonograph, movies and the tape recorder as tools in English language teaching. In the '70s and '80s, language audio and video courses were improved through the added use of video projectors and slide shows. By the late '80s and early '90s, language labs were part of many of the more expensive language schools throughout the world. However, by the mid '90s many multimedia language programs became available for teachers over the Internet. These programs used the personal computer and were sold at a much more affordable price to even the smallest of English language schools, allowing teachers to bring more interactivity and fun into the language learning process. Why is multimedia so important in the process of foreign language teaching? Its use should correspond to students’ level of proficiency, state of mind and overall conditions in the whole group or classroom. However, an evaluation of mutually interconnected issues related to teaching process is an inseparable part of using any teaching aid, including computers. Good didactic aids can be helpful both in the teaching and learning processes. They can be designed in a way so that they respect individual differences and endowments of the learner, including learning styles. Every day, we face the infinity of information that needs to be selected among many and then appropriately used. Multimedia technology has become a part of every-day activities in such an amount that present generations must be computer literate no matter what his/her expert of scientific field might be. Such a situation introduces an idea of on-line web-based curricula in order to respond to increasing demands from society and industry the same. The new technology helps the teacher with the educational process, presents new possibilities of creative work and two way communication, and furthermore presents teachers with a challenge to provide an active participation of all students. Many modern language teachers have come to accept multimedia as a viable means of teaching language acquisition. Those who use multimedia as a teaching tool find that it adds more interest to the class, and because students become interested in multimedia and computers, they learn more language skills. The integration of multimedia is more effective than using the teacher center model solely. Multimedia effectiveness lies in the ability to expose students to real situations, language use and pronunciation through video, sound, graphics and computer interaction. There are other advantages of using multimedia. The multimedia courseware can offer the students abundant information; more plentiful than textbooks, and help them to get of displays vivid cultural background, rich content and true-to-life language materials, which are many natural and closer to life. The integration of multimedia is more effective than using the teacher center model solely. Multimedia effectiveness lies in the ability to expose students to real situations, language use and pronunciation through video, sound, graphics and computer interaction. Words associated with actual objects or imagery techniques are learned more easily than those without it.

Except of advantages there are also some disadvantages. Multimedia devices during teaching, teachers may be turned into slaves to the multimedia and cannot play the leading role in teaching, It is observed in practice that a lot of teachers are active in multimedia technology application but not proficient enough to handle it confidently. In class, they are standing by the computer and students are fixing their attention only on the screen, and therefore, there is no eye contact between teachers and students. While speaking of the teacher and of teacher’s role we have to consider his attitude as well, because the teacher’s attitude is the basic element within the group of elements which integrate the teaching of a language with multimedia. That is to say, if the teacher does not agree with the system he is using, with the method, with the quality of the software his students are using; if he believes that the software is not the appropriate one for his students to reach their objectives, and in sum, if there is a lack of motivation or an unfavorable attitude on the part of the teacher, this attitude will be directly transmitted to the student and the system will fail. In the multimedia environment it is the role of the teacher to provide the enthusiasm for it and explain the relevance of it because “humans are powerful and computers are powerful, and together, they are extremely powerful” [1]. One-way communication is out, and the role of the teacher changed from that of the authority to that of the consultant and the facilitator. Particularly in language teaching, where it is so important that the learner feels confident, this teacher’s role is of great advantage. Many of our students are so familiar with the new media that we can equalize and expertise. In conclusion, this research has discussed the role of a foreign language teacher in the multimedia environment. It has also managed to come up with a few recommendations for people who are directly involved in the educational context and those who are interested in integrating multimedia computers in their undertakings. Relating to the benefits of integrating the computer in the foreign language classroom, teachers must make use of the computer in their classes. Integration of Internet technology in language classrooms is obviously something new to some students. It is hoped that it will boost the students’ motivation to excel in the course and indirectly stimulate their interest to make English (or any other foreign language) a part of their lives. Teachers must also be aware of their function in the digital age, i.e. they will need to get more involved in the new technologies in order to continue improving their teaching skills.

M. Hausner points out some relevant facts related to the use of multimedia. We will mention at least some of them as we consider them to be of great importance. When using multimedia in the teaching process, the work shifts to multimedia classroom. Ideally, the application of multimedia should not take more than 30 minutes because otherwise, the attention and motivation decrease. Experienced teacher takes this fact into consideration. Computers and CD-ROMs have changed traditional teaching methodology and they have made the teaching process more illustrative. Learners work more actively and they are more independent and determined in the process of achieving their learning objectives. Their relationship to learning is more conscious and their motivation increases. Learners´ attention is occupied throughout the whole presentation. As a result, their willingness to understand a particular subject matter increases as well. When selecting a particular multimedia programme, the teacher as to consider its appropriateness because not all students have the same abilities, knowledge and experiences. Not to mention the fact that there are substantial differences also in connection with students´ abilities to use modern technologies. The teacher becomes a counsellor, a methodologist and it is dependent upon him/her which teaching conditions he/she creates, or which speed of teaching he/she sets. The teaching tempo dictates the organizational form of a lesson. It is essential for the teacher to know the content of multimedia application, which he/he intends to use during the lesson. Regardless of the level of difficulty of a particular lesson planning and preparation, the level of success that is achieved is always dependent upon the degree of pedagogical transformation. In other words, it depends on the teachers´ ability to present the language input in an interesting, captivating way. During the teaching progress, the most common function of multimedia is to assist or support the teacher. The appropriately-designed instruction media could not only assist teaching, but also promote learning effect. More recent studies examined the effect of extended use of computers on reading achievement, the effect of computer instruction on reading rate and reading comprehension; the effects of multimedia software on reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition, as well as the relationship between vocabulary development and reading comprehension. Multimedia is an effective and engaging tool that can be used to improve vocabulary acquisition for all learners and engage them in the learning process. Today many schools in Kazakhstan have Internet access. In 2020, It can be assumed that access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) will continue to improve with the increased availability of IT services and certainly all schools will use this technology in their classes in teaching different courses in teaching foreign language. Using multimedia is more effective in teaching foreign language than traditional methods. It has a positive effect on memorization of vocabulary. Therefore, the use of multimedia provides the bridge to a deeper understanding.


1 Chun, D., & Plass, J. (1996).Effects of multimedia annotations on vocabulary acquisition. Modern Language Journal, 8(2), 183-198.

2 Rivers, W. M. (1981).Teaching foreign language skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

3 Son, J. B. (2008).Using Web-based language learning activities. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 4(4), 34–43.

4 Sun, Y. & Dong, Q. (2004).An experiment on supporting children’s English vocabulary learning in multimedia context. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 17 (2), 131-147.

5 Tsai, R., &Jenks, M. (2009).Teacher-guided interactive multimedia for teaching English in context. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 18(1), 91-111.

6 Watts, N. (1997). A learner-based design model for interactive multimedia language learning packages. System, 25 (1), 1-8.

7 Kornum L. Foreign language teaching and learning in multimedia environment/L. Kornum// CALLICO Journal. – 1993. – 10(3). – P. 65-76.
